• 20 October 2011

Case Study: Car Accident Injury Claim – Norma’s Accident

by Macks Solicitors

Norma was a front seat passenger in a vehicle and was wearing her seat belt. They were travelling along a road in Marksden and had to become stationary behind a vehicle parked at the side of the road. Suddenly, another car collided into the back of them.

Norma suffered serious injuries consisting of whiplash to her neck and an injury to her sternum. Norma had suffered back problems before the accident, which were exacerbated by the crash.

Macks – the car accident injury claim specialists

Norma contacted Macks. A member of the Macks personal injury team was able to tell Norma that the other driver had acted negligently in several ways:

1. Failed to keep proper lookout

2. Failed to stop, slow down, swerve or manage their vehicle as to avoid a collision

3. Collided with the vehicle in which Norma was a passenger

Liability for the defendant’s negligence was admitted and compensation for Norma was settled at £8,965.

In addition to retrieving the money for Norma’s injury, Macks were also mindful of the fact that following her accident, because of her symptoms, her daily life was affected. She was unable to do a lot of things around the home that she was able to prior to the accident. Norma required assistance with various household chores while her back was troubling her and a part of the compensation awarded to her represented an amount for the care she required before and after her claim reached settlement.

Making a car accident injury claim

Macks provide a quality, caring service for all personal injury victims. To find out more about making a car accident injury claim, please telephone 01642 252 828. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the 30-second claim form.

Please note that in the interests of preserving our clients’ privacy, we alter some factual details, including names. The report is, however, based on a real case.

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