• 21 July 2011

Case Study: Hair loss victim secures £7,000 remedy

by Macks Solicitors

By instructing Macks Solicitors’ personal injury team, Una from Richmond-upon-Thames was able to obtain generous compensation for hair loss caused by a negligent hairdressing salon.

Desiring her roots to be coloured, Una visited a local hairdresser. A stylist applied bleach to Una’s hair and left for an hour. Satisfied with her work, the stylist applied more bleach solution before leaving the roots for a further ten minutes.

The stylist returned and proceeded to pull her fingers through Una’s hair. To Una’s horror, her hair began to break off in large clumps. After consulting the salon owner, the stylist elected to wash Una’s hair, but clumps continued to fall out.

The salon promised that it would provide free haircuts and colours until Una’s hair returned to its previous healthy state. But despite the application of various strengthening shampoos, lotions and sprays, Una’s symptoms worsened. Her hair persisted to thin.

Macks Solicitors – the hairdresser negligence specialists

Distraught at the standard of care that she received and wishing to gauge the likelihood of a hairdresser negligence claim succeeding, Una contacted Macks Solicitors. A member of Macks’ personal injury team informed Una that the salon had acted negligently, citing several specific points. First, the salon had failed to warn Una of the risks involved with the colouring treatment; second, its employee had over-processed her hair; and third, there had been no adequate system of quality control within the business.

Accepting the treatment of Una had been negligent for the reasons given above, the defendant agreed to pay close to £7,000 in compensation. The size of this sum reflected the degree of distress and damage that Una had suffered.

Have you suffered as the result of hairdresser negligence?

Those affected by hairdresser negligence are advised to contact Macks Solicitors. Macks’ personal injury team have secured compensation for scores of clients who have suffered hair loss, hair burns, scalp blisters and other symptoms following a visit to a negligent salon.

To find out more about making a hairdresser negligence claim or any other type of personal injury claim, please call 01642 252 828. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the 30-second claim form.

Please note that in the interests of preserving our clients’ privacy, we alter some factual details, including names. The report is, however, based on a real case.

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