• 8 August 2011

Case Study: Hairdressers’ negligence claim – Maria’s Incident

by Macks Solicitors

Maria’s Incident

Maria attended her local hair salon to enquire about chemical straightening. She was informed that she would be a suitable client for the procedure and agreed to undergo the treatment which was recommended. No history was taken regarding previous colours or treatments and no strand testing was performed. The chemicals were applied to her hair.

Once the chemicals had been rinsed from Maria’s hair it was immediately apparent that her hair had been damaged. The hair was dry and brittle. Over the following days the condition of Maria’s hair deteriorated and started to snap off.

Macks – the Hairdressers’ negligence specialists

Maria contacted Macks. A member of the Macks personal injury team was able to tell Maria that the salon’s employees had acted negligently in several ways:

  • They failed to carry out any patch or strand testing prior to the chemical treatment.
  • Failed to take any adequate care whilst chemically straightening the Claimant’s hair.
  • Failed to warn the Claimant of the potential effects of the procedure and
  • Failed to institute or enforce any adequate system of quality control or to inspect or check the Claimant’s hair prior to carrying out treatment.

Liability for the defendant’s negligence was admitted and compensation for Maria was settled at £4500.

Maria’s claim was settled within a matter of months directly with the salon’s representatives, as in the majority of claims handled by Macks. Less than one in 300 of Macks’ claims proceed through the courts.

Making a Hairdressers’ negligence claim

Macks provide a quality, caring service for all personal injury victims. To find out more about making a hairdressers negligence claim, please telephone 01642 252 828. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the 30-second claim form.

Please note that in the interests of preserving our clients’ privacy, we alter some factual details, including names. The report is, however, based on a real case.

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