• 21 July 2011

Case Study: Macks light the way for slip and fall victim

by Macks Solicitors

By instructing Macks Solicitors’ personal injury team, Ed from Leeds secured close to £7,000 in compensation.

On the night of his accident, Ed and a friend walked to a footpath on the outskirts of his home city. As it was November and the friends had taken their walk in the late evening, hazards present on the footpath would have been visible only if some source of artificial light had been installed. Such installation had not taken place.

Unbeknown to Ed, a utilities company had recently engaged in work in the vicinity of the footpath. In the course of its work, the company had dug into the footpath itself, leaving a deep hole. But without prior knowledge of the hole’s existence and unable to spot it for want of light, Ed stumbled into the hole. As the result of his slip and fall, Ed suffered a fractured nose and various cuts and bruises.

Macks Solicitors – the slip and trip specialists

Ed called Macks Solicitors and queried the possibility of bringing a slip and fall claim. Having heard Ed’s story and witnessed the photographic evidence he provided, Macks’ personal injury specialists were confident that a compensation claim could be brought against the utilities company.

The utilities company was negligent for several reasons. Having created the hole, the company had failed to cover it – perhaps as the consequence of failing to implement an adequate system whereby the hazard could have been identified and remedied. Further, the company had neglected to erect a source of artificial light or any warning signs, both of which could have prevented Ed’s accident. The defendant acknowledged the negligence and the causal link between its actions and omissions and Ed’s injuries.

With Macks’ advice, Ed agreed to settle for compensation totalling just under £7,000. Less than one in 200 of claims handled by Macks progress to court, with most defendants accepting the cases put forward by our team of legal experts.

Have you suffered a slip and fall?

Those who have suffered in similar circumstances to Ed should be aware that Macks Solicitors have a wealth of experience in pursuing claims for slip and trip victims. Macks pride themselves as providing a quality, caring service and can arrange for any necessary physiotherapy or private medical treatment.

If you would like to find out more information about slip and fall claims or any other aspect of personal injury law, please call 01642 252 828. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the 30-second claim form.

Please note that in the interests of preserving our clients’ privacy, we alter some factual details, including names. The report is, however, based on a real case.

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