• 20 October 2011

Case Study: The Product Liability – Paul’s Accident

by Macks Solicitors

A few days prior to Paul’s accident he purchased a sun lounger from his local DIY store.

The sun lounger was constructed of plastic.  Paul followed the instructions to assemble the sun lounger and placed it in the sitting position.  Paul was sitting on the sun lounger for a short time when suddenly it collapsed from beneath him and Paul fell heavily onto the floor. As a result he sustained injuries to his lower back and knee, requiring treatment from his GP.

Macks – the product liability specialists

Paul contacted Macks.  A member of Macks personal injury team was able to tell Paul that the DIY store and/or manufacturer of the sun lounger had acted negligently in several ways:-

  1. They had failed to take any or any adequate care in the design, development and manufacture of the goods;
  2. They had sold the defective goods;
  3. They had caused or permitted the goods to be or to become or to remain defective and dangerous;
  4. They had failed to institute or enforce any or any adequate system of quality control or to inspect, check or test the goods before dispatch;

Liability for the Defendant’s negligence was admitted and compensation for Paul was secured at £6,250.  Not only were Macks’ specialists able to secure compensation for Paul’s injuries but they were also able to recover additional monies from the Defendant’s insurers to pay for the physiotherapy treatment which had been recommended by the medical expert who had examined him.

Making a product liability claim

Macks provide a quality, caring service for all personal injury victims.  To find out more about making a product liability claim, please telephone 01642 252 828.  Alternatively, you may wish to complete the 30-second claim form.

Please note that in the interests of preserving our clients’ privacy, we alter some factual details, including names. The report is, however, based on a real case.

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