• 28 October 2011

Case Study: Trip and Fall Claim – Tom’s Accident

by Macks Solicitors

Tom suffered an injury to his right ankle when he stepped from the kerbside onto an eroded area of tarmac.  Tom’s ankle twisted over and he fell into the road.  Tom’s injury was serious and he required immediate hospital treatment.  A cast was placed onto Tom’s ankle and was not removed until seven weeks later.  Following removal of the pot, he continued to suffer ongoing symptoms.

Macks – the trip and fall claim specialists

Tom contacted Macks. A member of the Macks personal injury team was able to tell Tom that the Council had acted negligently in several ways:

  1. Failing to maintain or repair the road and with a result that the same was in a condition which was dangerous to persons lawfully using the same.
  2. Causing or permitting the road to be or to become or to remain a danger and a trap to persons lawfully using the same in that it was broken, worn and hazardous to pedestrians.
  3. Failing to take any or any adequate or timely measures to maintain or repair the road so as to make the same reasonably safe for persons lawfully using it when it ought to have been known that the surface was in a dangerous condition.

Liability for the defendant’s negligence was admitted and compensation for Tom was settled at £4,850.

Tom was absent from work for seven weeks following his accident and lost earnings.  In addition to recovering compensation for Tom’s injuries, Macks specialists also considered a claim for out of pocket expenses he had incurred, including his loss of earnings.  Tom’s lost earnings were recovered in full by Macks specialists.

Making a trip and fall claim

Macks provide a quality, caring service for all personal injury victims. To find out more about making a trip and fall claim, please telephone 01642 252 828. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the 30-second claim form.

Please note that in the interests of preserving our clients’ privacy, we alter some factual details, including names. The report is, however, based on a real case.

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