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The HSE are now urging construction sites across the UK to improve their safety measures after the disappointing findings.
In the collaborative process an agreement is signed at the outset which commits both parties and lawyers to resolve issues without court proceedings.
Businesses in THE North East are suffering as a result of divorce and separation. That’s the finding of a new piece of research from family law not for profit group Resolution.
Personal injury specialists Gavin Edmonson have appealed against the decision that an insurance company’s direct contact and subsequent settlement with their clients was lawful.
Mediation involves the appointment of a neutral third party mediator, who encourages the couple to reach their own agreements.
A report published by Resolution today has outlined the effect of a parent’s divorce or separation on children.
Brake suggest that drivers make a pledge of behaviours that will keep themselves and others safe on the road.
Initial high costs were due to expensive reports intended to value the husband’s business interests. Investigations were commissioned by both parties, comprising of six reports and a joint statement, costing £154,000.
A new DWP measure will be introduced which aims to target those who fail to pay child maintenance.
The coalition has published details of its ‘Family Test’ – a compulsory set of questions to be considered by all civil servants when drafting any changes in law and policy.
Government plans to increase the cost of filing for a divorce petition have been quietly dropped.
The presumption of “Parental Involvement” is to come into force on Wednesday 22nd October 2014. The new law will require family courts to presume that each parent’s involvement in a child’s life will further their welfare – where it is safe.