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Official statistics suggest the Teesside, Durham and Darlington area has one of the highest rates of dog bite attacks in the country.
Personal Injury lawyers have praised Darlington cycling group Darlovelo for their efforts to encourage more people in our region to get on their bikes.
Elizabeth Gallagher, head of family law at Macks, says the landmark ruling highlights the importance of formalising financial arrangements after divorce.
Civil courts shake-up that would see the introduction of a new online platform for dealing with disputes have come under fire from personal injury lawyers.
Singer Liam Gallagher has been fined for the second time after failing to attend a court appointment in New York.
The budget for elderly care costs has fallen six per cent over the decade, yet the over-65s population has increased seventeen per cent. Lynda Monks comments.
Funding for children’s mental health services has dropped by 6% since the coalition government took control in 2010.
Redcar charity EVA Women’s Aid (Emerging from Violence and Abuse) are opening a new safe ...
£30 million of the £4.7bn budget has been allocated to fixing roads in Teesside – the lowest amount given to any region.
The Problem with Potholes This is the season of goodwill. It’s a time for celebration ...
The road safety charity Brake is asking drivers to remain sober this Christmas – ...
Unison’s application for judicial review of the government’s decision to introduce employment tribunal fees has been dismissed by the high court.