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Councillors have called for bikes to be banned from Darlington town centre during a council meeting.
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling has announced new details of government plans to tackle whiplash fraud.
The most important piece of advice I would give to anyone who has had an accident is to appoint a solicitor of their own choice and not allow their claim to be handled by insurers or solicitors who have been appointed by an insurance company.
A medical negligence expert has warned about the impact of the proposed medical innovation bill.
It may be a tough time for you and your children, but here are some of our tips to get the best out of Christmas Day.
Sainsbury’s have been fined £10,000 after a store worker was crushed by a 340kg trolley.
The number of county courts in the UK to accept divorce petitions has been reduced to 20, in an effort to centralise the process.
From 2016 there will be a £72,000 cap on fees for elderly care homes.
The most common reasons for people visiting food banks were found to be due to cuts and changes made to the welfare system.
15 year old Teesside athlete Amy Carr has gained international recognition, bringing home a gold medal won in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The shadow justice minister announced at the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers’ autumn conference that Labour wish to look into the effects of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, which was implemented in April last year.
The Home Secretary is to introduce a new law which will criminalise psychological abuse and controlling behaviour.