• 1 September 2010

Driver in fatal accident leaves the country before trial

by Macks Solicitors

A man who is accused of causing death by dangerous driving is in Pakistan while his trial goes on in the UK

In April 2007, Syed Raza’s car hit the motorbike of 41-year-old Michael and 14-year-old Jonathan Rowley, a father and son who were riding together and died shortly after the crash in Lincolnshire.

27-year-old Mr Raza is charged with two counts of causing death by dangerous driving, both of which he denies. While on bail, Mr Raza flew out to Pakistan on account of his mother, who was unwell, but he has not returned.

Lincoln Crown Court ordered his return, and Lincolnshire Police paid £516 for a flight to bring him back to the UK, but he did not board the plane. Mr Reza was forced to remain in Pakistan by the Border Agency because his UK visa had expired.

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