• 27 October 2015

Macks’ Mummies Rise To Zombie Zip Slide Challenge

by Macks Solicitors

We’ve had the Skydiving Solicitors, now it’s Macks’ Mummies turn to defy gravity for charity when they take part in the Zombie Zip Slide off the Transporter Bridge.

Earlier this year a team from Middlesbrough-based law firm Macks Solicitors raised more than £2,000 for Headway Teesside with a parachute jump.

Now they’re at it again, as 14 members of staff and friends raise money for the Stroke Association in a daring Halloween-themed challenge.

Dressed as zombies, witches, ghouls and ghosts, the team will climb the 210 steps to the top of the famous 104-year-old bridge before zip sliding 600 feet across the river.

“I decided to get the firm involved because they’re always looking for a way to raise money for worthwhile causes,” said trainee solicitor Matthew Lockey.

“The sky dive was from 12,000 feet, so 600 feet should be no problem for me!

“However, a few of the others took a bit of coaxing and I’m expecting a few ghostly-white faces and screams of terror when it’s time to set off.”

The Macks’ Mummies team is Matthew, Anthony McCarthy, Amy Sadler, Alison Halford, Karen Foster, Louise Lambton, Rachael Hewison, Kym and Jason Hodge, Melanie Wood, Amanda and Lee Donaghue, Cathriona White, Valda Grant and Martin Boal.

Managing director Nick Mack has covered the cost of the jump, so all the money raised will go directly to the charity.

More than 5,500 people suffer strokes each year in the North East and around 16,200 people in the region are living with a disability after a stroke.

The entry fee for the Stroke Association Zombie Zip Wire, which takes place on Sunday November 1, is £15, with a minimum sponsorship target of £95.

For more information about the event contact the North East fundraising team on 0191 742 6166.

To sponsor the Macks’ Mummies visit: https://www.justgiving.com/Macks-Solicitors-Stroke-Association-Zipwire

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