• 2 September 2010

Mechanic wins compensation for cut hand

by Macks Solicitors

Metropolitan Police settle on £400k for injured mechanic

A mechanic has won compensation of £400,000 after he was injured while repairing a police car. Alexander Darg from Kent claimed £1m compensation on the grounds that his hand injury compromised his living an everyday life.

The 39-year-old mechanic was servicing the police vehicle on behalf of mobile technicians Venson Group when he accidentally cut himself on a knife, which was wedged beside the driver’s seat.

Mr Darg’s index and middle fingers were cut, and he had to be tested for HIV. Following the accident in 2002, Mr Darg developed complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS), which led his early retirement in 2004.

No chance of a return to work

Mr Darg claimed that the pain from his injured left hand now affected both his hands and feet. However, the extent of injury according to Mr Darg’s new claims was highly contested by the Metropolitan Police. He does not expect to ever return to a full-time job.

A judge in the High Court described Mr Darg as highly competent and an “ambassador” for his employers (BBC News, 2009). He was successfully awarded £32,000 for pain, suffering and compromised living, and further remuneration for loss of earnings both before the High Court case and in future. (BBC News, 2009)

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