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Dressed as zombies, witches, ghouls and ghosts, the Macks Solicitors team climbed the 210 steps to the top ...
A court heard that an agency worker has been unable to return to employment since ...
Simple safety measures would have prevented an accident that led to a father of two ...
Health and Safety Executive inspectors said the company failed in its duty to take reasonable steps to ensure asbestos removal was carried out safely.
Two fitters suffered facial burns and head injuries when a gas canister burst into flames ...
In recent years we’ve rightly become more and more aware of the dangers posed by ...
We’ve had the Skydiving Solicitors, now it’s Macks’ Mummies turn to defy gravity for charity when they take part in the Zombie Zip Slide off the Transporter Bridge.
An employee suffered serious hand injuries while cleaning a machine on only his fourth day ...
Company fined £8,000 after worker loses part of finger in blade accident.
One of the UK’s biggest recycling firms has been fined £200,000 after a worker suffered ...
CCTV footage from a logistics company yard where a worker sustained serious head injuries showed ...
A pipework supplier has been fined after a worker was left with life-changing injuries when he was dragged into a machine he was operating.