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Asbestos lawyers have welcomed new rules that will see mesothelioma sufferers receive up to £54,000 extra compensation.
Civil courts shake-up that would see the introduction of a new online platform for dealing with disputes have come under fire from personal injury lawyers.
Lawyers say the tragic case of a widow who died of mesothelioma shows that the awful disease is not just contracted by those who worked with asbestos.
Singer Liam Gallagher has been fined for the second time after failing to attend a court appointment in New York.
A union has lost a judicial review in which its employment lawyers challenged the government’s ...
Asbestos lawyers have welcomed news that mesothelioma sufferers will now be awarded 100 per cent compensation after a government U-turn.
Sorting out your financial affairs might seem the least of your worries when you or ...
If you want your hard-earned money to end up in the hands of those you ...
Families who own dogs and wish to become adoptive parents or foster carers are finding it increasingly difficult to be approved by social workers and local authorities.
The budget for elderly care costs has fallen six per cent over the decade, yet the over-65s population has increased seventeen per cent. Lynda Monks comments.
A court battle between ICI and the widow of one of their former workers has ended with judges ruling that the company were in breach of the duty of care owed to her husband. Anthony McCarthy comments.
Landmark ruling automatically grants anonymity to children and protected parties in medical negligence and compensation claims. Anthony McCarthy comments.