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Funding for children’s mental health services has dropped by 6% since the coalition government took control in 2010.
Research reveals that 18% of grandparents rarely or never see their grandchildren. This could be due to the denial of access to grandchildren following a divorce or separation; an unintended consequence of a family breakdown.
A kayak manufacturer has been convicted this week with corporate manslaughter, following the death of one of its staff in 2010. Alan Catterall, 54, died after becoming trapped in an industrial oven which he was cleaning.
Redcar charity EVA Women’s Aid (Emerging from Violence and Abuse) are opening a new safe ...
The research was commissioned by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, before the new rules regarding parental leave are to be introduced.
The start of a New Year is a time when people reflect upon their past. Many see it as the right time to end an unhappy relationship and make a new start.
£30 million of the £4.7bn budget has been allocated to fixing roads in Teesside – the lowest amount given to any region.
Analysis of proposed changes to council’s spending powers in England has shown that road maintenance will be an area that becomes disproportionately affected.
Research has shown that parents in the UK are concerned about their children’s mental health more than any other health problems.
A study by the Health and Safety executive has revealed that the North-East and Yorkshire are the worst regions in the UK for fatal agricultural accidents.
Jamie Cooper-Hohn argued in the family courts that she was entitled to half of their assets, whilst Hohn contended that she should receive only a quarter.
For a constructive beginning to the New Year, consider starting it with a family meeting.